Voice of FinTech Americas with Clementina Giraldo (in Spanish / En español): FIRA y Mario Valle nos hablan del criptoarte tendencia global y su relación con FinTech

Qué son los NFTs, por qué el criptoarte es una tendencia global y cómo se relaciona con la industria FinTech? What are NFTs, why is crypto art a global trend, and how does it relate to the FinTech industry?

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Digitalization of the Art Business

We caught up with Tanya Koenig on the side of the Digitalization of the Art Business discussion as a part of Voice of Fintech: Live Speaker Series in Zurich. We talk about why traditional mega art dealers invested in digital platforms, how blockchain can be useful for art buyers and CNN Money Switzerland's plans for increased coverage of the start-up scene.

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